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Pregnancy Follow-Ups, Routine Examinations and Immunization During Pregnancy

Pregnancy follow-up includes procedures such as education, counseling, physical examination and laboratory tests.

Blood and Urine Tests
  • Pregnancy Monitoring

It is important for the expectant mother to go for health check-ups at least 4 times during pregnancy in order to have a healthy pregnancy, to protect her own health and the health of her baby, and to detect risky situations at an early stage.

Pregnancy follow-ups should be done in the following weeks:

  • Within the first 14 weeks of pregnancy

  • 18-24. between weeks

  • 28-32. between weeks

  • 36-38. between weeks

At the first follow-up during pregnancy; The gestational age and whether the pregnancy is an intrauterine pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy should be determined according to the last menstrual period or ultrasonography.

  • laborLaboratory Tests

1. Follow-up Urinalysis, complete blood count, blood group determination (blood group of the pregnant woman and her husband) and Hepatitis B examination should be performed.

2. Follow-up Urinalysis and blood count should be performed. Additionally, glucose screening test and basic obstetric ultrasonography are recommended.

-3. Follow-up Urinalysis and blood count should be performed.

4. Follow-up Urinalysis and blood count should be performed. Additionally, if the pregnant woman has a chronic disease or health problems during pregnancy, other examinations may be performed regarding these conditions.

  • Other Recommended Tests During Pregnancy

  • Toxoplasma, rubella, CMV and TSH are among the tests performed at the first examination.

  • Double Test (11-14 Weeks): It is a screening test to detect babies with Down syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies in the early stages of pregnancy. Triple Test (16-20 Weeks): It is a screening test to detect babies with Down syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies.

  • Detailed Ultrasonography: 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. It is done between weeks.

  • Glucose Screening Test: 24-28. It is performed between weeks of pregnancy. It is investigated whether there is gestational diabetes.

  • Vaccines Considered Safe During Pregnancy

  • Tetanus Diphtheria Toxoids (Td) Influenza Vaccine Hepatitis B (If not immune to Hepatitis B infection, immunization is recommended.)

  • Pregnant women who have never been vaccinated should receive at least two doses of Td vaccine. The second dose should be completed at least two weeks before birth. When the data on the administration of inactivated/mRNA COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy is examined, it is recommended to administer the vaccine to pregnant women.

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