Development of the Baby in the Womb
Pregnancy occurs when a female egg meets a male germ cell (sperm). The beginning of pregnancy is considered to be the first day of the last menstrual period. According to this calculation, pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks (9 months and 10 days).
The development of the baby in the womb is examined in three-month periods (trimesters).
FIRST TRIMETH PERIOD 0-12. WEEK (First Trimester)
First trimester; It is the period when the baby's organ development begins and completes and the expectant mother adapts to pregnancy. During the first 8 weeks that the baby spends in the womb, cell and organ blueprints are formed. It is extremely dangerous for the mother to be exposed to harmful substances during this period. Vaginal bleeding and cramps may be a sign of miscarriage. In such cases, a doctor should be consulted without delay.
Week 4: Menstruation is delayed and physical and psychological changes occur. There are symptoms similar to the changes experienced before menstruation (such as weakness, feeling of fatigue and fullness in the breasts). 8th week Baby's height is 15-It is around 20 millimeters. Although it starts to move, this can only be noticed between the 16th and 20th weeks. In this week, the baby's tongue and lips develop, and the formation of teeth begins. The esophagus is separated from the trachea. The development of the lungs accelerates further this week. Heart valves are noticeable. His intestines begin to become visible. The eyelids begin to appear in folds. The baby's cartilaginous skeleton will now begin to harden, and its fingers will be distinct but webbed.
During this period, the uterus has grown to the size of an orange and contractions may occur as a result. Changes may occur in the mother's skin. Skin problems, acne and oiliness may occur. These changes usually disappear by the end of the first trimester.
Week 12: The baby starts producing urine from the 10th week. His kidneys are working better now. By the 12th week, all the baby's organs have completed their development and started to grow in volume. Its length is approximately 70 millimeters. His face begins to become clear. The baby is quite active. Her nails appear, her hair and nails begin to grow. The baby's intestines begin to move. External reproductive organs can be distinguished in girls and boys. The growing uterus does not bother the mother as much as before. Complaints of frequent urination and heartburn decrease. However, in the future, these complaints will reoccur in the last period of pregnancy. Also this week, there may be complaints such as dizziness and headaches due to the increase in blood volume. In return, complaints of nausea and fatigue will decrease.
SECOND TRIMESTER 14-26. WEEK (Second Trimester)
It is the most comfortable period during pregnancy, when the baby continues to develop rapidly. Complaints that occur in the early stages of pregnancy disappear significantly and the body adapts to pregnancy.
16th Week Baby; facial muscles gwithin the reachn opens and closes his mouth and moves his eyelids. The baby's face has become more defined, and its eyes and ears are where they should be. The baby's reflexes to breathing and light begin. Feces begin to accumulate in the intestines and the circulatory system begins to function fully. The umbilical cord is mature and the baby's partner (placenta) is the same size as the baby. Towards the end of this week, the gender of the baby can be learned through ultrasound. The baby becomes more active this week and expectant mothers can feel these movements. 20th week The baby's height is 25 centimeters and its weight is approximately 400-450 grams. The baby's skin begins to thicken and the senses of smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch begin to become active. The feathers covering its body are densely seen in the head and neck area. Heart beats accelerate. In the mother, the upper part of the uterus reaches the navel level and darkness begins to form between the belly button and the groin. This line will disappear after birth. Due to the expansion of the uterus, pressure on the stomach, kidneys and lungs may increase. From time to time, difficulty breathing and urination may occur.
Week 24: The baby's length is approximately 28-30 centimeters and its weight is around 550-650 grams. This week is one of the baby's milestones. After this week, the baby has the chance to survive independently of its mother and outside its mother's body. During this week, the vascular structures in the baby's lungs mature and almost all organs begin to function. During this period, the mother may experience bleeding gums. Gum recession and even tooth loss may occur in advanced stages. When such complaints occur, a dentist should be consulted.
LAST THREE MONTHS PERIOD 27-41. WEEK (Third Entryimester)
The last 3 months are the period when the baby begins to gain weight rapidly. Birth planning for high-risk pregnancy is also done during this period.
28th week Baby's size is approximatelyk 35-38 centimeters, weight 1100-1200 gramsIt is around m. The baby's hair has grown and the eyebrows have completed their development. The baby opens and closes its eyes and goes through phases of sleep and wakefulness. His body started to store fat. This plays an important role in regulating body temperature after birth. In the mother, the upper point of the uterus almost reaches the ribs. During this period, complaints of leg cramps, varicose veins, dry skin, waist pain, back pain, palpitations and indigestion may increase. If present, the hemorrhoid problem may worsen. High blood pressure poses a danger to the pregnant woman and the baby. Starting from this week, blood pressure needs to be monitored more closely.
Generally, contractions can be felt in the abdomen starting from the 26th week. These contractions are called false labor pains (Braxton-Hicks contractions). Contractions are like menstrual pain and occur at irregular intervals. It is necessary to take these contractions, which prepare the uterus for birth, into account because they may be a sign of premature birth. The palm is placed on the abdomen to see if the contractions are regular. Thus, the frequency and duration of contractions can be measured. If cramps become frequent, it is necessary to consult a physician.
Week 32 The baby now weighs almost 1800-2100 grams and is 40-42 centimeters tall. It can perceive external stimuli better. Their movements increase even more. In addition, the growth rate has decreased compared to previous periods. During this period, the baby's space becomes narrower as he grows even more. He stands with his legs and knees fully bent, his feet crossed, and his arms and neck bent forward. All his fingers are open and his nails are fully developed. As the uterus grows larger and the baby is upside down, the baby's feet may put pressure on the mother's ribs.
Week 36 The baby weighs an average of 2500-2900 grams and is 46-48 centimeters tall. The baby's cheeks, fingers and arms become more visible as they continue to store fat. All his organs have completed their development. In this week, the mother's complaints of insomnia may increase. This is because the baby is slowly coming down and the pressure on the bladder increases. You may need to get up to go to the toilet frequently at night. Week 38 The baby weighs an average of 3000 grams and is 49 centimeters tall. Feces begin to accumulate in the baby's intestines. The baby passes this stool within 24 hours after birth. In the cervix; There is a bloody slimy discharge (engagement) that acts as a plug and protects the inside of the uterus and the baby from germs that may come from outside. The appearance of slimy discharge is called "engagement discharge". This situation also indicates birth.
The 40th week baby weighs an average of 3000-3500 grams and is 50-52 centimeters tall. The length of the baby cord is about 50 centimeters. The creamy substance (vernix) and hairs (lanugo) covering the baby's skin begin to decrease. As of this week, the baby has now completed its development. The baby's head settles at the birth canal entrance and is ready for birth. Rarely, some babies are not born this week and reach the 41st week.