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Ovary Kthey want

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or pockets inside or on the surface of one of the ovaries.
Ovarian Cyst
Many women develop these problems at some point in their lives and are usually noticed during routine pelvic examinations. Most ovarian cysts are painless and cause no symptoms, and they usually disappear on their own without the need for medical intervention.
Types of Ovarian Cysts

  • Functional Cysts 

Most ovarian cysts develop as a result of the normal function of the menstrual cycle. These are known as functional cysts  and are the most common type. Functional cysts are usually harmless, rarely cause pain, and usually disappear on their own within two or three menstrual cycles.

 There are two types of functional cysts; follicle and corpus luteum. ,

  • Follicle Cysts

During the menstrual cycle, an egg grows in a sac called a follicle located inside the ovaries. Usually this follicle ruptures to release an egg, but if this does not happen, the fluid inside the follicle can increase over time and form a cyst on the ovary.

Corpus Luteum Cysts

Normally, the follicle sacs will disappear after the release of the egg. However, if the sac does not disappear and the follicle closes, extra fluid may develop inside the sac and cause a corpus luteum cyst.

Pathological Ovarian Cysts

These types of cysts are much rarer and form as a result of abnormal cell growth rather than a deviation from the normal function of your menstrual cycle.

Among these cysts; dermoid cysts, cystadenomas and endometriomas.

Dermoid Cysts

These are cysts that contain tissues such as hair, skin, fatty tissue or teeth and can grow quite large. This type of cyst develops from egg-producing cells in the ovary and has the possibility of turning into any type of cell. They must be surgically removed.


These cysts develop from cells lining the outer layer of the ovary and contain a fluid fluid. Instead of growing within the ovary, cystadenomas are typically attached to the ovary by a stalk, and so they can grow to very large sizes. Most are benign and therefore non-cancerous, but they still need to be surgically removed.

Both dermoid cysts and cystadenomas are advanced   may enlarge and cause ovarian torsion (twisting around the stalk); This can be very painful.


These cysts develop as a result of endometriosis, a condition in which uterine endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, causing cysts in the ovaries. Endometriomas are also called chocolate cysts because the blood inside the cysts resembles chocolate.

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

Ovarian cysts often occur naturally and   It does not cause any problems as long as it is not torn, is not too large in size, or does not block blood flow to the ovaries.


Cyst symptoms may include:


Because most ovarian cysts show no signs or symptoms, they often go undiagnosed. manyIt is found during unrelated routine pelvic exams or ultrasounds. AncIf any of the symptoms of ovarian cyst are observed in a white woman, various methods can be used  diagnosis can be made.

Pelvic Ultrasound

An ultrasound scan may be performed to confirm the presence of a cyst, help locate it, and determine cyst contents. 

If a cyst is found during the ultrasound, this can be followed up and a repeat ultrasound may be performed a few weeks later.

CT or MRI Scans

An MRI or CT scan may sometimes be necessary if ultrasound is inconclusive about the location or nature of the cyst. MRI scans use magnetic waves to produce detailed images of internal organs. CT scans use body imaging devices to create cross-sectional images of internal organs.

CA125 Blood Test

In cases where a tumor is present, blood levels of the CA125 protein are often elevated, which may indicate ovarian cancer. Therefore, this blood test is used to help determine whether an ovarian cyst is cancerous. However, high CA125 levels can also occur in noncancerous conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and pelvic inflammatory disease.


Treatment of an ovarian cyst depends on its cause, size and appearance, and whether the patient is experiencing symptoms and whether she has entered menopause. If the cyst is small and not causing any problems or discomfort, your doctor may recommend monitoring the cyst. In such cases, an ultrasound scan every three months may be recommended to determine if there are any changes in the cyst.

In most cases, ovarian cysts will remain the same size or disappear, in which case no action will usually be needed.

Most functional cysts tend to disappear on their own without causing any problems to the woman; Therefore, this option prevents the woman from receiving unnecessary  treatment.

Birth control pills are used to stop ovulation and may therefore help prevent some new types of cysts from developing. They may also help reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer. If the cyst is large, persists for a long time, causes uncomfortable or painful problems, or looks suspiciously cancerous, you may need surgery to remove the cyst or, in some cases, the entire ovary. There are two types of surgery used to remove ovarian cysts; laparoscopy and laparotomy. 


Most ovarian cysts occur in which three or four small (5-10 mm) incisions are made in the abdominal wall.laparoscopy  can be removed using . After these holes are properly opened, the surgeon can access the ovaries. It delivers gas to the pelvis for  and  then the operation is performed by placing a camera and special surgical instruments (laparoscope) to remove the cyst  healthy ovarian tissue is preserved. The removed cyst is then placed in a plastic bag and removed without any spillage into the abdomen. After the cyst is removed, the incisions will be closed using dissolvable stitches.

Minimally invasive  Laparoscopy   surgery   eliminates the need for a large incision and has the advantage of shortening hospital stay, faster recovery times and easy return to normal life.


In cases where the cyst is extremely large or likely to be cancerous, laparotomy may be the best medical option.

During laparotomy, a single, large incision is made in the abdomen to allow the surgeon easy access to the cyst. From there, the entire cyst or, in some cases, the ovary is removed and sent to a laboratory for cancer testing. Once completed, stitches or staples are used to close the cut.

This is the less desirable option as it is more invasive and usually requires a hospital stay following the procedure.

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