Uterine Myoma
Uterine Myoma (Leiomyoma) , Are the Most Common Gynecological Tumors.
What is the Cause of Uterine Leiomyoma?
Woman steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone , myoma due to their effects on cell division and increasing certain growth factors it is effective on development.Therefore, the higher the levels of these hormones, the more leiomyoma the higher the risk of developing it. People who have never been pregnant (aka “nulliparous” individuals) are also at higher risk for leiomyoma. Myoma (aka uterine fibroidsOne of the main risk factors associated with in smooth muscle cells They are genetic mutations.
In menopause estrogenDecreasing levels may cause the leiomyoma to tend to shrink during this period. Finally, hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer Rare genetic diseases such as (Reed syndrome), multiple skin and uterus development of leiomyomasIt may lead to .
Myomas YtoClassified According to Their Places of Combination.
S of the uterusWhat are ubserosal Uterine Leiomyomas?
Subserosal leiomyomas , your uterus a condition that can occur under the perimetrium, which has a serous outer lining.leiomyoma type . Subserosal leiomyomas can spread outside the uterus and even attach to other surrounding organs and draw blood from them.
I of the uterusWhat are intramural Leiomyomas?
Intramural leiomyomas uterus appears inside the wall . These are the most common type of leiomyomas and are associated with infertility. , miscarriage, abnormal position of the baby in the womb and with premature birth relatable .
What are Submucosal Leiomyomas of the Uterus?
Submucosal leiomyomas(aka uterine fibroids ) uterine wall the innermost thin layer endometrium reveals just below . Submucosal leiomyomas uterus can grow into the cavity and change its shape (stalked myomas ) and as in intramural leiomyomas infertility , low , fetal malpresentation and early by birth relatable .
Symptoms of Uterine Leiomyoma NWhat are they?
with leiomyomas (aka uterine fibroids ) The associated symptoms depend on their number, size and location. Most leiomyomas are small and asymptomatic. Larger or multiple leiomyomas may cause abdominal or pelvic pain, lower back pain, constipation. , urine to your problems, to infertility and can cause heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, which to iron deficiency anemia why could it be .
Leiomyomas AIs it painful?
Leiomyomas cervix or rectumIt can cause pain if it puts pressure on nearby organs such as . If a person has acute or persistent pain (especially abnormal vaginal bleeding accompanied by pain) should seek medical attention immediately.
How Do You Diagnose Uterine Leiomyoma?
Leiomyomas Since they are usually asymptomatic, they are often found incidentally during routine examination in the obstetrics and gynecology ward. Palpation and abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound are common techniques that lead to the discovery of leiomyomas. For some people, when surgical intervention is planned or if there is suspicion of malignancy leiomyoma Additional imaging tests such as MRI may be performed to help with localization. Finally, in rare cases, especially abnormal vaginal bleeding if any sarcoma A biopsy may be performed to rule it out.
Myoma Treatment
Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) treatment should be customized for each case. Considerations such as size, location, symptoms, the individual's age, and desire to preserve fertility should all be taken into account when planning a course of treatment.
Asymptomatic leiomyomas are usually not treated. Symptomatic leiomyomas can be removed with non-invasive techniques that cause the tumor to shrink. For example, uterine artery embolization or MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery. If these options fail, the person may undergo surgical removal of the tumor (via hysteroscopy or abdominal myomectomy) or removal of the entire uterus ( hysterectomy ) can be treated by removing it.). The choice between the two approaches often depends on whether the individual wishes to preserve fertility.
Medications may be used to relieve symptoms. Prolonged or heavy menstrual periodsOral contraception medications may be prescribed for Additionally, to shrink the tumor and reduce blood loss, surgery time, and recovery time menopause GNRH agonists may be given to people approaching or before surgery. As a long-term treatment, GNHR agonists may cause side effects. For example menopause symptoms may occur.
What are the Most Important Facts to Know About Uterine Leiomyoma?
To summarize, uterus fibroids also known as the uterus leiomyoma are the most common gynecological tumors. Leiomyomas It is almost always benign and can range from small, barely visible tumors to larger, palpable tumors. Their growth in smooth muscle cells It is associated with genetic mutations and risk factors such as estrogen and progesterone hormones includes . Different types of leiomyomas are categorized according to their location: subserosal leiomyomas occur beneath the perimetrium, intramural leiomyomas are found in the walls of the uterus, and submucosal leiomyomas are located within the endometrium. can be found under .
Most leiomyomas do not cause symptoms, but the presence of pain and other symptoms often depends on their number, size and location. Leiomyomas are usually diagnosed by palpation or ultrasound and are often discovered incidentally in asymptomatic cases. Because they tend to be benign, asymptomatic leiomyomas can be left untreated. Symptomatic leiomyomas can be treated with non-invasive methods, surgery or medication, depending on the characteristics of the tumor and the needs of the person.